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Monosharp - Code Examples

This site contains examples of my experiences with Monodevelop and Glade on a Linux platform. I do not claim to an expert in this field, but mearly a journeyman. Most of my programming comes from a C, Visual Basic, Delphi background. I have been using Linux as my primary platform for about 2 years.

I learn new languages by example. So to help you and me I have decided to publish some examples of code I am/have played with.

If you would like to get into C# programming and you use Windows you could try SharpDevelop.


These examples require Mono, Monodevelop and Glade2 to be installed on your system. The compiled binary executables can be run on a Linux, Mac and Windows platforms, but do require a runtime enviroment.

If you are attracted to the idea of rapid application development (RAD) on a Linux platform, with cross-platform capabilities then give Monodevelop and Glade a 'spin around the block'.

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